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Care for the Elderly Ladies! Help Them Avoid These Conditions

Care for the Elderly Ladies! Help Them Avoid These Conditions

Some age-related health conditions are true for both men and women. But there are also problems that are more common in women than in men. This is the reason it’s best to have your mother, grandmother, or other elderly female loved ones to undergo checkups, consultations, and medical care in New York, New York. Specifically, studies show that the following are common among elderly women:

  • Breast Cancer

    Breast cancer could be due to a lot of factors, including genes and lifestyle. Although there are no proven ways to prevent breast cancer, the American Cancer Society says that women can lower their risk of having this disease. Healthy lifestyle, effective stress management strategies, and a regular visit to a provider of internal medicine in New York are some of the recommended ways to uphold women’s health.

  • Depression

    Lack of socialization, support, and apt healthcare could lead to depression in women. Stressful events, such as loss of loved ones and financial instability, could also cause feelings of sadness and other mental health issues. To help your loved ones avoid this condition, be sure to let them visit physicians regularly.

  • Osteoporosis

    Women are also at greater risk of osteoporosis. One of the reasons is the decline of the hormone estrogen, which also protects the bones, in the body during menopause. Osteoporosis could be prevented by eating the right foods, having a regular exercise routine, and other self-pampering services, such as therapies and skin tightening spa services.

As women hustle at work and at home during their younger years, they also deserve the best healthcare in their retirement years. Be sure you avail of women’s health services at Arthur R. Dove, M.D.P.C. to uphold their long-term health.

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