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Reasons You Should Try Concierge Medical Services

Reasons You Should Try Concierge Medical Services

A concierge service is a personalized medical care service provided by a doctor. With the help of concierge services, doctors can focus more on preventive care than reactive care. Concierge doctors will spend more time with their patients, which is why they can focus more on preventive care. And we all know that prevention is always better than cure.

As one of the leading providers of medical care in New York, New York, we want you to receive high-quality care as well as experience the best service. That is why we highly recommend trying concierge services for the reasons below:

  • You will get more access to your physician.
    If you have any questions regarding your health condition, you can ask your concierge doctor anytime, even after business hours. They will respond to you through text, email, or even call you.
  • You can save a lot of money with concierge medicine.
    Because concierge doctors can focus more on fewer patients, they will be able to manage and control the healthcare costs of each patient. Of course, they will also see to it that the medications they prescribed are safe and effective.
  • Concierge doctors provide more appointments with their patients.
    Concierge doctors will see their patients more frequently so that they will be able to help their patients achieve optimum health.

Arthur R. Dove, M.D.P.C. has a team of capable and qualified physicians that will help you treat your condition and manage your health care.

We also offer skincare services like skin tightening to help you be confident and feel great.

For the best internal medicine in New York, feel free to get in touch with us. We are committed to helping you achieve optimum health. Call our clinic today!

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You’re more than welcome to get in touch!

  • Address
    85 W 118th St. New York, New York 10026
  • Phone: 212-876-8621 Fax: 212-876-4545 arthurdovepc@yahoo.com