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Sunscreen Is Essential: How SPF Saves Your Skin


Our skin’s health is vital to our overall ability to perform daily activities. Aside from that, healthy skin allows us to feel confident and happy about our appearance and ensures our well-being inside and out. As such, our medical clinic in New York, New York, would like to specify the importance of proper skin care, especially by adding sunscreen to your daily routine.

Allow our providers of medical care in New York, New York here at Arthur R. Dove, M.D.P.C. to share some facts and benefits of SPF below. We hope these tips will give you the initiative to follow a simple yet effective skincare routine (if you haven’t already).

Sunscreen is a preventive measure to avoid the damage caused by harsh sunrays. It is common knowledge to use sunscreen during the summer or when you visit the beach, but note that SPF should be applied daily, even when inside the house. It is also ideal, especially if you undergo treatments like laser hair removal.

A Sun Protection Factor (SPF) represents a sunscreen’s ability to protect against UVB, UVC, and UVA rays: which cause premature aging and skin cancer. A minimum of SPF30 is ideal for everyday use, although it needs to be reapplied every few hours.

UV rays promote photoaging of the skin, which is characterized by a thick, leathery appearance, discoloration, and collagen breakdown, which contributes to creases, sagging, and wrinkles. According to studies, those under 55 who use sunscreen daily had a 24% lower probability of developing these indications of aging than those who do not.

If you want to improve the appearance and health of your skin, feel free to learn more about SPF by talking with our doctors today. Visit our internal medicine in New York for a check-up.

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