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Tips on Protecting Your Skin from the Sun


Exposure to the sun does lasting damage to your skin, but fortunately, the negative effects are evitable. Protect your skin from early aging and skin cancer with these tips listed by the specialists of internal medicine in New York:

  • Apply sunscreen daily
    Even if it’s cloudy, still use sunscreen. Every day, apply at least an ounce of sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before going outside. A provider of medical care in New York, New York suggests that you include taking care of your lips by choosing a lip balm or lipstick with an SPF of at least 30.
  • Choose broad-spectrum sunscreen
    Skin tightening recommends that you choose a broad-spectrum type of sunscreen that can protect you from both the UVA and UVB rays and has SPF 30 or more.
  • Reapply every two hours
    This is especially important when you are swimming or sweating. When swimming, take note that the surfaces of water and sand reflect the damaging sun rays, increasing your risk of sunburn.
  • Limit your time under the sun
    To get the best of female rejuvenation methods you might be having, limit your time under the sun. Avoid going outside from 10 AM to 4 PM.
  • Change your fashion
    It’s best that you wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts outside. Dark clothing blocks the sun more than white, but for best protection, you can also opt for clothes with special sun-protective components.

Get yourself regularly checked against skin cancer. Consult with the physicians at Arthur R. Dove, M.D.P.C. today.

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    85 W 118th St. New York, New York 10026
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