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Two Common Shoulder Injuries You Need to Avoid

Our shoulders are essential to helping us perform daily activities with ease. Healthy shoulders provide support, especially when you lift or carry something. However, you should never keep these joints for granted. Overworking your shoulders may lead...

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How Female Rejuvenation Can Benefit One’s Health

Female rejuvenation is only one of the modern gynecological therapies that can help women feel more at ease, more confident, and less uncomfortable. Of course, knowing about the specific treatments and medical services offered is crucial for enjoying...

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Sunscreen Is Essential: How SPF Saves Your Skin

Our skin’s health is vital to our overall ability to perform daily activities. Aside from that, healthy skin allows us to feel confident and happy about our appearance and ensures our well-being inside and out. As such, our medical clinic in New Yo...

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Preparing for Your Hair Removal Treatment

Is this your first laser hair removal treatment? We share your excitement in finally having the opportunity to get the results you want for yourself. You deserve this. At the same time, we are here to help you prepare as much as possible. Aside from ...

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The Foundation of Beauty: Clean and Clear Skin

How beauty is seen, defined, or admired solely lies on the individual. How to achieve the desired beauty also depends on the person. But for physicians, they believe beauty should have a standard foundation of a clean and healthy self. Internal medic...

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The Aftercare: Skin Pampering after Laser Hair Removal

Skincare is the new form of self-care. One should not be intimidated by the luxury of treating your self some good stuff. Nowadays, with the beauty standards evolving, everyone has their take on how to care for themselves. Some will let their appeara...

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  • Address
    85 W 118th St. New York, New York 10026
  • Phone: 212-876-8621 Fax: 212-876-4545 arthurdovepc@yahoo.com